The NSE volatility index gained 10 per cent today, heading towards its biggest single-day percentage gain since September 30, 2013, reflecting the pressure on emerging markets.
The CBOE Emerging Markets Volatility Index also surged, heading for its biggest single-day rise since June 2013.
VIX measures the cost of protection via options and is seen by some investors as a "fear" gauge.
Dealers said the rise in the NSE's volatility index also reflects uncertainty ahead of the central bank's policy review on Tuesday.
The CBOE Emerging Markets Volatility Index also surged, heading for its biggest single-day rise since June 2013.
VIX measures the cost of protection via options and is seen by some investors as a "fear" gauge.
Dealers said the rise in the NSE's volatility index also reflects uncertainty ahead of the central bank's policy review on Tuesday.
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