Thursday 13 March 2014

For this grotesque crime, exemplary punishment is needed: High Court on Delhi gang-rape

New Delhi The Delhi High Court today upheld the death sentence for four men convicted by a trial court for the brutal gang-rape and murder of a 23-year-old medical student in December 2012 that shook the nation's conscience and led to widespread protests.
  1. The offence in the present case has indubitably been committed in an extremely fiendish, demoniac, barbaric and nefarious manner. 
  2. Also the manner in which the offence has been committed is demonstrative of exceptional licentiousness and perversion of a superlative degree.
  3. Further, the time, place, manner of execution and the motive behind the commission of the crime speaks volumes of the pre-meditated and callous nature of the offence.
  4. The medical evidence charters the hellish misery and trauma inflicted upon the prosecutrix before her death. Incontrovertibly also, pain of an unparalleled order was inflicted upon her family members and her companion, who were compelled to watch her die many deaths before being certified dead.
  5. What makes matters worse is that debauchery, avarice, profligacy and viciousness appear to be the only impelling forces behind the commission of the crime.
  6. Undeniably, the shocking incident left an indelible scar on the social order and became a burning societal issue. An enraged and infuriated society took to the streets to avenge the affront inflicted upon it.
  7. It would be no exaggeration or hyperbole to state that the shocking incident had ramifications which crossed the national borders into international terrain.
  8. To expect society to be a sanguine spectator to this kind of depraved behaviour of the outlandish variety and to continue to extend its protective arm to the convicts would be both unnatural and ludicrous.
  9. We conclude by stating the obvious that a strong message needs to be sent to the perpetrators of grotesque and ghastly crimes against women that such crimes shall not be countenanced, though we confess that we are not aware of any case in which a crime of such dimensions has been committed hithertobefore.
  10. Exemplary punishment is, therefore, the need of the hour, for, if this is not the rarest of rare cases there is likely to be none.


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